Better Today.


Everyday is new day. Everyday moment is promising. No need to wait for a new year to be a new you. Yes new me. just me.

I thank Allah for the ability to wake up and breathe again. And just being able to see the world for one more day.

For the ability to perform solah, recite the Quran and to pray to Him again today. It feels soothing. My heart is at peace whenever i say His name and recite the beautiful ayat of Quran.

I'm feeling restless, as of the same case 5 days ago.
(when i just reached 'my rumah' from Semenanjung).

Everything seems to fall into place without me trying too hard to get them. I thought i was the one falling at the back, while others have done more than i have.

Wishing for a healthy and blesses life. No person in the world want to fail. I learned from a quote; 'If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.'.

But what if you plan, and things didn't go the way you want it to? You would feel; devastated, demotivated, angry, sad of course for the reason that you have plan the plan.

I think that failures are God's ways to tell you that should work harder than before to get what you want. When all your efforts has finally been paid of, you will be grateful that God gave you the chance to explore the alternatives for you to achieve your goals.

Creativity comes when you're out of your comfort zone. Perhaps, that is what i need now?

Now i need a miracle!