Learning To Forgive.



She said; If we truly wish to move on to a higher plane of existence, we need to understand one fundamental lesson and that is the magic of forgiveness.

Yeahhh. I got it.

If we can practise forgiving everyone immediately after each HURT, we will begin to live of life freedom- freedom from hate, resentment and anger, which shackle our daily existence.

That's right! 

For me;

I forgive everyone for every hurt directed at me in the past.
I willing release them to their highest good.
I send them love and good wishes and envelop them with love and light.
I forgive myself for all my past failings.

So Seri, the best way to live is one day at a time, savouring each day, thanking God for giving us one more day to enjoy life. Each new day is a miracle. Before you start the day, you have a choice to make the new day a good one, a special one, filled with pleasant surprises and happy feelings with your 'other-half. (^_^)